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CO2 | Save The DuckCO2 | Save The Duck


preserve the planet

Our path to Net Zero 2030 and a zero-carbon economy.

Our commitment to decarbonisation

Together with more than 1,100 other B Corp companies around the world, we are committed to achieving Net Zero by 2030. We started this path in 2018, by inventorying our climate-changing gas emissions and activating a constant reduction and monitoring plan.

In 2021, we added to the reduction process a project to offset the residual emissions through the purchase of carbon credits with a high environmental and social impact.

Adhesion to CO2alizione

The commitment to decarbonisation reflects our desire to make a significant contribution to an urgent and global challenge. For this reason, we have decided to join CO2alizione Italia, an initiative that promotes climate change mitigation activities by a group of Italian companies.

As a result of this commitment, in 2022 we changed our company statute, adding new benefit objectives: to implement and promote a business model that can identify increasingly effective solutions and processes with a view to the responsible use of natural resources, for the benefit of future generations and that aims at the progressive achievement of a zero-carbon economy.

Adhesion to CO2alizione | Save The DuckAdhesion to CO2alizione | Save The Duck

SBTi and reduction objectives

At the beginning of 2022, to further strengthen our emission reduction pathway, we decided to submit our targets to SBTi - Science-Based Target initiative, an international project that promotes ambitious climate action in the private sector, allowing companies to set reduction targets on a scientific basis.

In March 2022, SBTi approved our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emission reduction targets: -50% by 2030, compared to 2018. We have also stated to SBTi our commitment to monitor and reduce our Scope 3 emissions where possible.

Climate action: the reduction plan

Every year, we commit to collect the data necessary to inventory all our emissions, i.e. to quantify how many tonnes of CO2eq are generated by our activities throughout the value chain.

Since 2022, we have been certifying our GHG inventory according to ISO 14064, because we want an independent, third-party organisation to judge that our work is carried out accurately.

Thanks to the direct and indirect emission reduction plan we have implemented, we are increasingly trying to minimise our impact. Our direct emissions, such as energy consumption, are now minimal and account for 0.03% of our total emissions.

Threes | Save The DuckThrees | Save The Duck

Carbon credits

Thanks to carbon credits with environmental and social value, we offset emissions that cannot be avoided in the production phase.

We support two projects that avoid further GHG emissions into the atmosphere: the protection of the forests at Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe and the installation of a hydroelectric plant on the Musi River in Sumatra in Indonesia. Both are directly related to the sphere of the United Nations SDGs, thanks to the concrete and positive impact they have on the environment and on the populations involved.

Our projects

Kariba Forest Protection:
The protection of the forests at Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe ensures the conservation of the environment, the animals that inhabit it and the development of local communities.

Musi River Hydro:
The installation of a hydroelectric plant on the Musi River in Sumatra in Indonesia, in addition to generating clean energy, creates quality jobs and redevelopment opportunities for the inhabitants of the place. A portion of the project revenue is reinvested in the local community and a reforestation programme to safeguard the natural landscape.

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