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What is a B Corp?

B Corp companies are companies that pursue objectives of common benefit. Using business as a positive force, B Corp companies follow high standards in social, environmental and governance performance with transparency and responsibility.The B Corp movement is constantly growing, and now includes over 6,400 companies in 89 countries around the world.

How do you become a B Corp?

To become a B Corp, you have to undertake theBIA (Benefit Impact Assessment), a rigorous evaluation standard developed by the non-profitB Labthat evaluates the business impacts on governance, workers, community, the environment and customers.

To obtain the certification, you must obtain a score of 80 or higher and pass the assessment of risk factors. The threshold of 80 points represents the difference between companies with an extractive paradigm and those with aregenerative approach; that is, they give back to the planet more than they take for the performance of their activities.

A new business model

In Italy, companies are also required within 2 years of obtaining certification to legally commit to changing their governance structure by assuming the status of Società Benefit (Benefit Corporation); this provides for reporting obligations to all stakeholders and not only to their shareholders on the benefits that the company generates.

In addition, B Corp companies comply with specific transparency criteria: companies disclose their performance on the B Lab platform, measured according to BIA standards with respect to the five impact areas: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers.

Being part of the B Corp community therefore means pursuing a dual goal: to create profit for the company and benefit our people, the community and the environment in which we operate.

Our result

| Save The Duck| Save The Duck
| Save The Duck| Save The Duck

What is the difference between Society Benefit and B Corp?

The benefit corporation is a legal qualification introduced into the Italian legal system as of 2016 (Law No. 208 of December 28, 2015).The term 'B Corp' or 'B Corporation', on the other hand, refers to a company that has been exclusively granted the 'Certified B Corporation' mark because it has successfully passed the BIA of the nonprofit organization B Lab. This designation does not confer any legal status, unlike the legal qualification of a benefit corporation.

End points and starting points

For us, the B Corp community is also a source through which we can identify new ideas for improvement to face new challenges.

This process of growth does not have an end point, but represents a path made up of ever-new challenges that we take on in order to ensure that the company evolves.

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